No Compromise

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Daniel 3, 6
Series: Daniel: Finding Hope in Our Faithful God

  1. No Compromise in Our Worship (ch. 3)
  2. No Compromise in Our Obedience (ch. 6)

Discussion Questions

Download the discussion questions as a printable PDF file.


Have you had the opportunity to stand firm for your faith? Please share with the group. What happened? Did you stand firm or back away? How has this affected your life since that time?


  1. Recap the main points of the sermon.
  2. Read Daniel 3:1-6, 16-18. Discuss the response of these three men.
  3. Read Daniel 6:1-10. Discuss Daniel’s response. What happened?
  4. Why were these men able to face death with confidence? Why are Americans afraid of death?
  5. Does God always deliver us in times of physical danger? If not, is He still loving?
  6. Read Psalm 119:161-168. What does David say about obeying God’s commands?
  7. Read Psalm 119:97-104 (slowly). How is obedience described here?
  8. Read 1 John 1:5-7, 2:3-6.
    • What does obedience (or lack of) tell about us?
    • Why are so many so casual about obedience issues?
    • What are ways we try to justify our disobedience?
  9. Read 1 John 5:3. Why are God’s commands not a burden for true believers?
  10. Read 1 Samuel 15:22-23. What is Samuel saying here?


What are some of the blessings of obedience? Any examples from your life?

Posted on February 2, 2014 and filed under Daniel.