Posts filed under The Church You've . . .

A Church Enjoying Life Together

Speaker: Pastor Marty Voltz
Scripture: Acts 2:42-47
Series: The Church You've Always Dreamed Of

Unlike many professing Christians in the West today, the early believers were known not for their anonymity, but rather for their shared life. Among the words that best describe them is “together.”

  1. A hint of life together (Mark 3:31-35, Matthew 18:19-20).
  2. The promise of life together (Mark 10:28-30).
  3. The fulfillment of life together (Acts 2:42-47).
    • Together in their submission to the apostolic teaching
    • Together in prayer
    • Together in generosity
    • Together in worship
    • Together in evangelism
    • Together in heart and mind (Acts 4:32)
  4. A picture of this life together (1 Corinthians 12).
  5. The enjoyment of life together (Acts 2:46-47).

Many of us find the “dream” of life together more pleasant than the actual experience. But Christ has called us to turn this dream into a reality!

Posted on May 26, 2013 and filed under The Church You've . . ..

A Church That Never Stops Proclaiming Jesus as the One and Only Savior of the World

Speaker: Marty Voltz
Scripture: Acts 5:40-42
Series: The Church You've Always Dreamed Of

From the very beginning, the church’s central message has been “Jesus Christ, the one and only Savior of the world!” (See Acts 2:22, 36; 3:6, 16; 4:2, 10, 12, 17-18, 26, 29-30; 5:28-32, 40-42; and 28:31.)

Five observations about the church that never stops proclaiming Jesus:

  1. It is a church that has rightly understood ______ __________ (Acts 2:22).
  2. It is a church that will be used of God to _________ those who are ________ ________ from those who are ________ __________ by the _______ ______ (Acts 4:1-4)
  3. It is a church that will _____________ ______________ (Acts 5:40).
  4. It is a church that will never need fear ___________ _____________ to the ________ _____ ______ ______ (Acts 2:37-39).
  5. It is a church that will be known by all for her _____________ ___________ to the _________ _____ ________ _________ (Acts 5:42).

Bottom line: The church that never stops proclaiming Jesus as the one and only Savior of the world is the church that will be found faithful at the return of our Lord!

Posted on May 19, 2013 and filed under The Church You've . . ..

A Church Where Spiritual Mothers and Fathers Abound

Speaker: Pastor Marty Voltz
Scripture: Acts 18:1-3, 18-26
Series: The Church You've Always Dreamed Of

On this Mother’s Day, I am thanking the Lord for each and every spiritual mother (and father) I’ve met along the way.

With regards to Priscilla:

  1. She defied ______ ______________ (Acts 18:2).
    • She made her “nest” an __________ _____ ______ _________.
    • She _______ _______ (Acts 18:2-3).
    • She __________ __________ into her home (Acts 18:26).
  2. She and Aquila _________ ________ _______ to the church (Romans 16:3-5).
  3. She cultivated ____ _____________ ________ (Acts 18:18).
  4. She ______ ______ _______ _____ ______ ________ for God’s servant (Romans 16:4).
  5. She did all this while ____________ ______ __________ (Acts 18:26).

Observation: I have yet to pastor the church that has had enough “spiritual mothers and fathers” for everyone who needed one.

Posted on May 12, 2013 and filed under The Church You've . . ..

A Church Whose Members Seek to Be Filled Daily with the Spirit

Speaker: Pastor Marty Voltz
Scripture: Acts 2:1-4
Series: The Church You've Always Dreamed Of

Pentecost in the year 30 A.D. was the day that changed the world!

  1. It is God’s demonstrated purpose that His children should daily seek and experience ___ ________ __________ _____ ______ ________ __________ (Acts 4:8, 31; Ephesians 5:18).
  2. Failure to do so will result in lives filled with ______ _____ _______ _____ ______ _____________ which characterize this present age (Acts 5:3, 8:23; Matthew 12:43-45).
  3. Those who actively pursue the Spirit’s daily filling willl be characterized by:
    • _____________ (Acts 2:4)
    • __________ (Acts 2:4)
    • _____________ _______________ (Acts 2:14ff)
  4. The church whose members experience the fresh filling of the Holy Spirit will be a church used by God to ________ ___ _______ ________ _______ ______ _________ _____ _________ __________ (Acts 2:4; 4:8, 31; 5:32).

Assignment this week:

  • Confess. "O Lord, my heart and mind are so easily filled up with the things of this world."
  • Ask. "As this day begins, I invite you to cleanse me and fill every part of my being with your Holy Spirit."
  • Believe! "Knowing that this is your desire for my life, I boldly face this day in the knowledge of your presence, your power, and your discernment."
Posted on April 28, 2013 and filed under The Church You've . . ..

A Church That Waits on the Lord

Speaker: Pastor Marty Voltz
Scripture: Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4-5
Series: The Church You've Always Dreamed Of

In an age of instant everything, Jesus commands us to “Wait on the Lord!”

  • The church that waits on the Lord is the church that understands she is under orders (Acts 1:8b).
  • The church that waits on the Lord is an expectant church (Acts 2:1).
  • The church that waits on the Lord is a praying church (Acts 1:14).
  • The church that waits on the Lord is a church that will receive the Father’s promise (Acts 1:4).
    • Presence
    • Power
    • Direction
  • The church that waits on the Lord is a church that boldly moves forward together (Acts 1:14)!

The church never gets beyond her need to wait on the Lord. “Wait on your God always!” (Hosea 12:6).

Assignment for the week: Read Isaiah 40:28-31. (In verse 31, read “wait” in place of “hope.”) Tell God where it is in your life that you need your strength renewed. Ask Him to strengthen you by His Spirit in that area of your life. Now wait expectantly on the Lord!

Posted on April 14, 2013 and filed under The Church You've . . ..

The Beauty of a Desperate Heart

Speaker:​ Pastor Marty Voltz
Scripture: Mark 10:46-52
Series: The Church You've Always Dreamed Of

No one likes to find himself in a desperate situation. But for the man or woman of faith, such occasions actually serve to display an inner beauty that might otherwise go unseen.

  • A desperate heart is a heart ___________ _____ ______ ________ (v. 46).
  • A desperate heart is a heart _______________ _____ _________ ___________ (vv. 47-48).
  • A desperate heart is a heart _______ _____ ______ ________ _____ ______________ (vv. 47-48).
  • A desperate heart is a heart ________ _____ _________________ (v. 50).
  • A desperate heart is an ____________ ________ (v. 51).
  • A desperate heart is a heart that ________ ______ _____ _____ ___________ (v. 52).
  • A desperate heart is a heart that ______ ___________ _______ ____________ (vv. 49, 51-52).

Lord, I’m desperate for you today. I have no claims on you. I simply plead for your mercy. Mercy me, King Jesus! Hear my cry and call me to come close to you. Do something beautiful with my desperation. Turn it into praise! And make me whole! Amen.

Posted on April 7, 2013 and filed under The Church You've . . ..