Posts filed under Malachi

A Call to Take Inventory

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Malachi 4:1-6
Series: Malachi: God's Unchanging Love

  1. A Reminder about God's Coming Judgment (vv. 1, 5-6)
  2. A Reminder about God's Offer of Forgiveness (vv. 2-6)
Posted on December 7, 2014 and filed under Malachi.

You Can't Outgive God

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Malachi 3:6-15
Series: Malachi: God's Unchanging Love

Sermon Notes

  1. The People Were Robbing God (vv. 6-9)
  2. The People Were Robbing Themselves (vv. 10-15)

Discussion Questions

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What is your biggest fear when it comes to sacrificial giving?


  1. Read Genesis 14:20 and 28:22. Why do you think Abram and Jacob chose to give the amount of “a tenth”?
  2. Tithing appears before the Mosaic Law, so is it for all time? Why? Why not?
  3. What were the main points of the sermon this week?
  4. Read Malachi 3:8-10. What does God promise to faithful tithers here? Why? Who is cursed?
  5. Read Malachi 19:21. What does it mean to have “treasure in Heaven”? How do we get this?
  6. In light of 1 Corinthians 16:1-4, how is the New Testament even more radical than the Old Testament when it comes to sacrificial giving? Be specific.
  7. Should our tithe be directed to our local church? Why? Should we tithe gross or net?
  8. Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-4. What does Paul mean: “they gave . . . beyond their ability”?
  9. Read Matthew 6:21. What does it mean: “wherever your treasure is—there is your heart also”?


How did you make your decision about what amount of money to regularly give EFCCL?

Posted on November 30, 2014 and filed under Malachi.

The Coming Wrath of God

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Malachi 2:17-3:5
Series: Malachi: God's Unchanging Love

Sermon Notes

  1.  Questioning God's Justice (2:17)
  2. A Reminder about God's Messiah (3:1)
  3. A Reminder about God's Justice (3:2-5) 

Discussion Questions

Download the discussion questions as a printable PDF file.


What do you think of when you think of God's wrath? Did you hear about this growing up?


  1. Read Matthew 25: Look over this passage in detail.
    • Who gains eternal life? Who does not?
    • What are the criteria for those welcomed into eternal life?
    • Is Jesus teaching that we earn our salvation by doing good deeds? Why? Why not?
    • Discuss details you learn in v. 41 about hell.
    • Why is a day of coming judgment so difficult for our culture to accept?
  2. Read 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10. Describe this future day of judgment that Paul writes about.
    • Is the language of hell literal? Why? Why not?
    • How do you react to passages like this?
  3. Read Revelation 20:7-15.
    • What will happen to Satan? How long will it last? What is the nature of his punishment?
    • What is “the book” that is opened in v. 12? Are there any other references to it in the Bible?
    • Will those who go to hell be conscious or unconscious? Why?
    • How is hell described in these verses?
  4. Read Revelation 21:1-8.
    • Describe the scene here. What does John see? Describe what happens to death, pain, and sorrow.
    • Read v. 6 and note that God the Father is speaking. Who is speaking in Revelation 1:17-18?
    • How do these two texts establish that Jesus is God? Be specific.


Discuss the following statement by theologian Miroslav Volf: “God is not loving in spite of His wrath; He is loving because of His wrath” (Free of Charge, Zondervan).

Posted on November 23, 2014 and filed under Malachi.

The Sanctity of Marriage

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Malachi 2:10-16
Series: Malachi: God's Unchanging Love

Sermon Notes

  1. The Problem of Marrying Unbelievers (vv. 10-12)
  2. The Problem of Divorce (vv. 13-16)

Discussion Questions

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  • Did you listen to the sermon?
  • Describe a marriage that you admire.


  1. Read Genesis 2:19-25. Discuss what you learn about marriage from these verses. Who is it for?
  2. Read Ephesians 5:22-23. What do we learn here about marriage? Be specific.
  3. Discuss the Bible’s description of marriage: one man and one woman for life. Any exceptions in the Bible?
  4. Read 2 Corinthians 6:14. What does it mean to be “unequally yoked”? Does this apply to marriage? Business relationships? Other relationships? Why? Why not?
  5. Read Deuteronomy 7:1-4. Why does God forbid His people to marry unbelievers? Discuss.
  6. Read Matthew 19:1-11. What does Jesus say about marriage in these verses?
    • Discuss how He clarifies Moses’ command in Deuteronomy 24.
    • What are the implications of what Jesus says here for gay marriage?
    • What are the implications for divorce?
    • When is divorce permitted according to Jesus? Not permitted?
  7. Read Malachi 2:10-16. Why does the Bible use such strong language about divorce? Why does the Bible call marriage a “covenant”? What does this mean?
  8. Look through 1 Corinthians 7. Under what circumstances, biblically, is someone free to remarry? Be specific.


Spend time praying for marriages and singles.

Posted on November 16, 2014 and filed under Malachi.

Playing Games with God

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Malachi 1:6-2:9
Series: Malachi: God's Unchanging Love

Sermon Notes

  1. Offering Worthless Sacrifices (vv. 1:6-14)
  2. Not Fearing God (vv. 2:1-6)
  3. Teaching and Tolerating False Doctrine (vv. 2:7-9)

Discussion Questions

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  • Have you ever read the Bible from cover to cover?
  • When did you first hear the true gospel?


  1. Read Matthew 7:13-23. What is Jesus warning us about here? Who are these people?
  2. Read Malachi 1:11-14. What is going on here? What is “counterfeit faith”?
  3. Read Matthew 13:18-23. What are the four kinds of soils? Which one is genuine?
  4. Read James 1:19-24. What is the danger James is discussing here? How does it look today?
  5. Is James saying that salvation is by works? Why? Why not?
  6. Why does the Bible seem so intent on warning us about being a false disciple?
  7. Read 2 Corinthians 13:5. What is Paul urging us to do here? Be specific.
  8. Read John 10:25-30 and Romans 8:37-39. Can a genuine believer in Christ ever lose their salvation? Why? Why not? (See Grudem’s Systematic Theology, chapter 40, for a good discussion on this.)
  9. Read 1 John 2:1-6. Who is the one who really knows Jesus? How can we tell?
  10. What is the gospel? How can we know if we are really saved (cf. 1 John)?


  • Do these kinds of warning passages shake your assurance of salvation? Why? Why not?
  • When is the last time you shared the true gospel with someone?
Posted on November 2, 2014 and filed under Malachi.

A Call to Respond to God's Love

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Malachi 1:15
Series: Malachi: God's Unchanging Love

Sermon Notes

  1. An Overview of Malachi's Book
  2. Reminders of God's Love

Discussion Questions

Download the discussion questions as a printable PDF file.


When is the first time you remember hearing about the love/wrath of God?


  1. Read Malachi 1 out loud as a group. Summarize the chapter in your own words. What is the main point?
  2. Why were the people complaining about God not loving them? Have you ever done this? When?
  3. If you have a study Bible, remind the group of some basic information about Malachi and his times.
  4. Read Malachi 1:1-3. What does it mean, “I have loved Jacob, but Esau I hated”?
  5. Read Romans 9:6-21. How does Paul use this quote from Malachi? What is Paul’s point?
  6. Does the doctrine of election/predestination rule out God’s love? Why or why not?
  7. Read Psalm 136 out loud. What is the writer reminding us of? Why is this so easy to forget?
  8. Read Psalm 103:1-13 out loud. Talk about God’s love as revealed in the Old Testament.
  9. How is the love of God distorted in American culture today? Be specific.
  10. Read John 3:16. Name as many truths as you can find in this famous verse about God’s love.


What do you struggle more with: God’s love or wrath? Why?

Posted on October 12, 2014 and filed under Malachi.